Hello from the New Mod

Moderator: CrazyIvan

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Hello from the New Mod

Post by CrazyIvan »

I'm not allowed to post in the 'Announcements & Site News' forum, so 'Off Topic Discussion' will have to do.

I got myself a Tina2 recently, having played around with 3D for several years and used print services for output, so I'm not entirely new to FDM even though I'm new to these forums. I'm interested in making parts for my own projects, rather than objects other people have designed. I'm willing to share my experience and learn from others, hence looked for a forum to join and found this one.

How did I get to be a moderator? I volunteered! I didn't expect to be the only one.

My priorities are:
  1. Prevent spam and any other abuse;
  2. Keep the forums easy to use by ensuring topics are filed under the correct category and are appropriately titled;
  3. Split topics which drift off subject;
  4. Prevent foul language or flaming.
Please don't get upset if the mods choose to move posts and/or retitle them, it's just housekeeping.

Best Regards,


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Re: Hello from the New Mod

Post by 3dadmin »

Welcome to the forum Im sure CrazyIvan will do a great job in helping this place to become an independent source of 3D printing discussions and tips !

8-) :idea:

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