How do you store your filament ?

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How do you store your filament ?

Post by zerocool »

Do you take any special steps to store your filament to prevent moisture etc ?

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Re: How do you store your filament ?

Post by CrazyIvan »

I thought about this a while back, but this:
bryant wrote: Tue Aug 29, 2023 1:43 am PLA filament is much less susceptible to moisture absorption.
...made me decide not to bother. I store my PLA in their poly bags with the silica gel pouch, in its box (if it has one).

I've never seen any print defects attributable to moisture, although to be fair my oldest filament is only a matter of 4 or 5 months old.

The problem would have to be reconsidered if I were to get into, say, ABS.

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Re: How do you store your filament ?

Post by alpegrup »

Different filament types may require different storage conditions. For example, hygroscopic filaments like Nylon, which absorb moisture, require extra care. TPU or PETG filaments, on the other hand, are generally more resistant to moisture but still benefit from protection against humidity.

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Re: How do you store your filament ?

Post by KenW »

I bought a cheap analogue thermometer+hygrometer from an eBay seller. I have no idea how accurately it's calibrated, but...

When it arrived, the hygrometer was indicating "50%". Sealed into a ziplock bag with a reel of filament and a silica gel pack, and most of the air sucked out, it eventually went down to "30%".

Looking for something sealed, I came up with a cool box I happened to have to hand, and put the hygrometer inside that along with a dehumidifier* I also had to hand (no filament). After a couple of days the hygrometer had gone off the bottom end of its scale!

* A large quantity of silica gel in a rigid casing, including a built-in mains-powered heater to periodically recycle the silica gel:

I then loaded the cool box with all my various filaments (other than the one currently loaded on my printer), and after a couple of days the reading is currently "30%" (but I have to take the lid off to check). I guess the moisture absorbed in the filament is keeping the humidity up, I'll keep watching.

I don't know what to do when the family want to use the cool box for its intended purpose! What I'm thinking is to buy in some large ziplock bags (only one of my filaments came supplied with one) for once the filaments have dried out.

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