Bambu Labs printers - discuss

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Bambu Labs printers - discuss

Post by 3dadmin »

Do people still recommend Bambu printers after the recent firmware upgrade and terms of use ?

They look like solid printers.

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Re: Bambu Labs printers - discuss

Post by CrazyIvan »

I have no experience with Bambu, but from what little I've read this is being likened to HP making sure unapproved ink cartridges can't be used in their printers. Clearly if you want to use cheap knock-off cartridges, that can be seen as a bad thing, but from HP's point of view if probably reduces the customer support required when faults occur due to the user "getting creative" and then denying it.

What exactly are Bambu trying to restrict? If it's just preventing users flashing third-party software, then I don't see it as a problem. If you're into mods, build an open-source printer. If you are only interested in getting the job done and not "fiddling", then using a Bambu will be no different than any other brand.

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Re: Bambu Labs printers - discuss

Post by 3dadmin »

Its not clear what operation this firmware will restrict but people arent happy about it. I dont think they should be restricting what people can do with their printers once they have bought them.

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